Should I be worried about views and subscribers ?


Well-Known Member
I want to know if it is good not to be worried about the amount of views and subscribers one gets.

I think it is a good thing but i'm starting to wonder if it is not because if I don't worry about it I may not push myself to promote my channel even though i do want people to see what i'm putting out and stuff like that

I believe i feel this way because i am brand new to YouTube. I don't know much about filming and editing and it shows in my videos but I know it is okay because i'm getting better as time goes on so if not a lot of people notice my channel its alright in my eyes because i'm still improving I just think people would probably prefer watching one of the well recognized high quality videos over mine which I get. It's just so common to see people in the YouTube community stress about the numbers and i guess I just don't want to be that way I understand it takes time. Do any of you reading this feel the same or do you feel differently ? Tell me down below!
It's good to think about and worry about how many views you get and how many people subscribe to you because in the end, everyone wants them because none of us would do it otherwise. Just don't worry to much because then to becomes an issue when it's also supposed to be fun! :)
I feel this sometimes though not often. I like to not stress about that kind of stuff and just let them come naturally, because it takes time. When you're frantic and desperate to get views and subscribers... it'll show.
The more I've explored around YouTube the more I realise subscribers don't mean as much as everyone thinks, at least for the first 1000 or so. There are people out there with much more subscribers then I have, yet we get the same amount of views.

I think views is where you want to be worried about, if you're only getting 10-20 views per video, obviously there is something you can do better. I would suggest looking into SEO/Keywords, looking what videos you have that get a positive reception and then trying to learn from that.

I'm at work so I can't check your channel out, but from the comments above it seems your content is good, so just keep making good content and learning from all the positives! I'll check your channel out when I can.
The more I've explored around YouTube the more I realise subscribers don't mean as much as everyone thinks, at least for the first 1000 or so. There are people out there with much more subscribers then I have, yet we get the same amount of views.

I think views is where you want to be worried about, if you're only getting 10-20 views per video, obviously there is something you can do better. I would suggest looking into SEO/Keywords, looking what videos you have that get a positive reception and then trying to learn from that.

I'm at work so I can't check your channel out, but from the comments above it seems your content is good, so just keep making good content and learning from all the positives! I'll check your channel out when I can.

I agree with you on views being more important ... thank you for your feedback
YouTube is what you want to make of it. If you're having fun making videos and are happy releasing them out into the wild without the stress of promotion, then by all means, do that! There's something great about pure creation that promotion and worry over views/subscribers can make less fun. There are a ton of techniques for gaining views and subscribers via promotion when you're ready to do so.
If worrying about subs and views is one of the driving forces to stay motivated, then you may very well burn out. It's good to be hungry and have some worry and "edge" as they call it but if it takes over your joy of making videos, it's simply not worth it.
If worrying about subs and views is one of the driving forces to stay motivated, then you may very well burn out. It's good to be hungry and have some worry and "edge" as they call it but if it takes over your joy of making videos, it's simply not worth it.

In that case I won't burn out ! Thank you for reading and giving me feedback