I Love YTtalk
I would definitely recommend a common theme or pattern in your thumbnails. You want people to see very quickly on the suggested videos on the right, that you have a lot of videos.
Thanks for showing me that! That was a good exampleI think having a few key things across your thumbnails is really good. This can be either font, layout (how you have a portrait shot of yourself in all your thumbnails) or even backgrounds. I'm also a particular fan of channels that have similar looking thumbnails when it comes to their playlists. Someone who does this really well is CineFix in my opinion. This is so your audience knows what's up from initial inspection
I thought it would be boring if I did and not separate them from each other. I just wanted to see what you guys did.
Also, if it is a series would I make the backgrounds the same or is that not necessary? I thought not, but hey I could be wrong!