I personally think that is way too long. o.o I think my own intro is way too long. :p Maybe I'm a little "nazi" about it. By the way, I subscribed. Because Mass Effect.

hmm, well the intro would be clips of my games (hilarious parts) starting slow then getting faster then boom brand name (not even sure what it is lol)

But maybe it would be annoying if it was on every video hmm, its a hard one!
I can't believe you guys are having a debate over the effectiveness of a 10 second clip. Argue about something cool, like.. the correct lettuce to mayo ratio or something! :p
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I can't believe you guys are having a debate over the effectiveness of a 10 second clip. Argue about something cool, like.. the correct lettuce to mayo ratio or something! :p
He is known for acting like this. Don't worry about it. ^_^
hmm, well the intro would be clips of my games (hilarious parts) starting slow then getting faster then boom brand name (not even sure what it is lol)

But maybe it would be annoying if it was on every video hmm, its a hard one!
Aaron, do you use Sony Vegas?
I jsut want it to be funny, I try to base my channel of stupid hilarity played at a high level so its a different mix lol