Gaming Searching a Collaboration Partner for all types of Games


New Member
Hey Guys,

my Name is Nasovic and I'm searching for a Partner to Collaborate with. I don't have any specific Games i want to play.

I only have 12 subs, but constantly growing.

Moreover we could do Shoutouts/Crosspromotions etc.

Feel free to message me on skype:
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Hello, Nasovic! I am currently at 27 subs. I watched your video and right away, I was intrigued! It looks like you and I do very similar content, I do facecam, commentary and gameplay on all my videos as well. I would love to get the chance to collaborate with you often and help grow our channels together! Please let me know if interested, I will also message you through Skype, but here you can click my link and check the quality of my videos for yourself! I am also very active with 2 videos a day! :)
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