For my Animation/Vlogs i always make a full script which includes what i say in my voiceover as well as what to draw for each phrase/sentence. This saves me time down the line, so i usually dont end up deleting frames i've created or struggle to draw a picture representing the comment. Sometimes i'll add content (commentary/frames) amidst completing everything that was planned. Great Reviews Btw!!
I like having a script but while still allowing myself to improvise. If I can't improvise anything, I'll at least have a solid script. But allowing myself the freedom to improvise, gives me the chance to come up with something better than I already had. Although scripting for vlogs and for magic videos are quite different and I don't always follow my own rules.
I do a full script, often it goes through at least two other revisions: I don'y work on it for a day or two, then read it again and see what I can add/cut/improve, and I do the same after a few more days. Even though it's a script of course I don't stick to it by the word, a certain degree of improvisation is always there
Hey guys, I wanted to see what you all find the most effective for your videos. Do you write a full script? Or jot some notes down as point to discuss? I'm curious because I take multiple reshoots for my videos trying to be more concise in my videos and just wanted to see what works for you guys.

I write full scripts for my videos. If while shooting you decided to go adlib and you get a line that works in post then by all means use it. But scripted videos always turn out better than not scripted videos. If you plan out everything ahead of time it makes everything else that much easier.