Script Length = On Screen Minutes!


Our mission is to be the Ultimate Tech Channel!
Hi Peoples,

We have just started using a teleprompter and we must say its amazing! helped us so much. But it has introduced a little mono tone at times and loss of character. But what we have found is its good for keeping the tempo up and consistent. But what we have found in our last two Videos we had a 900 and 800 word scripts and the video length came out at around 4 & 5 minutes. I know that every single page of a Movie script equals 1 minute on screen. But that includes what type of shot and sound and background info etc. Ours is basically just a punch it out script in front of the camera.

Also we find the planning and script writing takes up a whole day followed by a day of shooting then another of editing and uploading. The script writing really is killing us for time and somehow we have to improve the speed of producing it. We have no problems with ideas its just wording it correctly so it comes out by mouth how it should. Because we all know writing and reading words is different to reading and saying. Some words just dont play nice together with your mouth when trying to be uptempo with the vocalization. LOL

I guess we are still trying to work out what is good for us, but would love to hear what you think.
Uuu yes. That's about the same for me. 900 words gives around 5 minutes. Also, I don't know if its because English isn't my first language so write up really takes a long time and as you said, making it sound less awkward when read out is quite hard. >.> Like it usually takes me 2-3 days to finish my write up and 1-2 days to edit and this is me allocating around 5 hours a day (or more depends on the day I have free time or am not tired) for YouTube.

I guess I work very slow... T_T .. I don't even have a backup video in case I get sick... The only redeeming thing about all this is when I see the finished video. The satisfaction haha~
Uuu yes. That's about the same for me. 900 words gives around 5 minutes. Also, I don't know if its because English isn't my first language so write up really takes a long time and as you said, making it sound less awkward when read out is quite hard. >.> Like it usually takes me 2-3 days to finish my write up and 1-2 days to edit and this is me allocating around 5 hours a day (or more depends on the day I have free time or am not tired) for YouTube.

I guess I work very slow... T_T .. I don't even have a backup video in case I get sick... The only redeeming thing about all this is when I see the finished video. The satisfaction haha~

Well its good to hear your similar. However English is my first language LOL. Sad thing is I think 4 - 6 minute videos are the sweet spot for us and that means basically 1000 words for each video has to be typed from information in our brain our sourced by research practically or theory. I think the script takes 4 hours to write but its working out how to structure it and what shots we can use and so on.

HMMM, I think we need to employ some more people! LOL
Is it necessary, in your type of videos, to script every word? It may make sense to make a bulleted list of the points you need to hit for each shot, and improvise the exact phrasing of what you're talking about. This would also allow you to lengthen or shorten a segment as you're going, rather than to try to fit in a script that may take longer than you expect.
In post editing it has helped having a worded script. Because we can use some bits from each take. If a word didnt come out right we can use a different takes version.
Ah, got it! I was thinking you had multiple cameras. If you don't, then your editing is even more impressive!
Ah, got it! I was thinking you had multiple cameras. If you don't, then your editing is even more impressive!
We do use multiple takes but sometimes we still can use some shots because are looking away. Make a sound stuff up or say the wrong word or sentence and dont pick it up in post which forces us to go to a b Roll product shot to cover it all up. Lol