Roast Another Gaming Channel (what is your first impression)

How was your first impressio?

  • Good.

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  • Not that bad.

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Not Good.

    Votes: 1 50.0%

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Hello YTtalk Members,

I want you to help me to get my Channel better in terms of visualisation and enjoyness.
There are thousends of channnels like mine and its hard to bypass one or another.
I am more the Retro Gamer, thats why it calls Pixel :).
Tell me the first impression that you get, when you enter my Channel, that would be a great start to begin with.
For all who doesn't like to answer, you can just take a poll.

Thank you for all your help that will bring me further :).

Greetings Marvin
I'll give it a go. Hopefully you'll find some of my feedback helpful.

- Solid banner, not a big fan of the profile picture though. I would try to make something more in the style of the banner.
- No custom thumbnails are pretty much a no go nowadays. In general I won't click on a video without a custom thumbnail. Needless to say: I was not triggered to click anything on your channel at first because of that.
- Your channel gives a vibe that says ''I am not ready to commit to this retro thing''. Your ''about'' section is vague in that department and your latest videos are mostly not retro. If I was looking for a retro channel, I would have my doubts if you were gonna be that channel in let's say a month from now. Try to be clear in what you want to be and communicate that as clearly as you can.
Hi there, i'm also doing a gaming channel so I understand how difficult it is too break into that area as i'm stuck on 9 subs at the moment. For me I think

1 - Your logo/profile picture needs a bit of work
2 - The banner is okay, I love the Super Mario Brothers backdrop but the text is too difficult to read and doesn't really stand out enough or tell me enough about your channel
3 - Some of the games are not retro i.e Half Life 2
4 - You need to work on your SEO, some of your videos have no tags and some only have two or three, I recommend downloading TubeBuddy, it will really help.

Anyway hope this helps and good luck.
Thanks so far MentallyGames and Heozenblog.
Yeah I know i need to work an some great Thumbnails and got a bit of track with the lasest uploads. I will go back to the meaning of the channel that means Pixel :).
Hey Guys, some time has past and I updated some stuff on my channel.
I still cannot decide how my profil picture should look like, but I am getting a bit into thumbnailing. How do you like it so far?
I also changed the meaning of my channel into something of what I have ever played in my life.
This will be a long road and many videos to go, but thats what I want to do.
Take a look and tell me what you think abou it :)
opened your channel, cant even read your profile picture i dont know what im looking at. after looking at your banner im going to assume your profile says "bit". the text in your banner is a bit hard to look at and you should keep a consistent font style. also the color choose is weird. also this is just nitpicking but i dont know what "bit more pixel" means. looking at your thumbnails. text shouldnt be confined to a small black box. text should be large so i can easily see it as im scrolling past videos, contrast/be readable so i can easily read what it says. the backgrounds for your logos are fine ig but things like logos and numbers should be large and easily seen. people arent going to stop to examine your thumbnail. you got a few seconds and if i cant easily make out what im looking at im moving on. are you doing no commentary gameplay? im not sure how well thats going to work out. if nothing is being added to the video why would someone watch it over the larger channel doing no commentary playthroughs?