Reviewing Channel's of any type!

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Sure, I would love to hear what you think! Please be honest and thank you so much for doing this! You are awesome!
I would love you forever and always if you took a look at mine! Thank you so much :)

Hi there,

My first impressions? Very good, you have a a nice profile picture/logo and a good banner which tells people when you upload. You also seem to have all your social media links set up and working. Your thumbnails are okay - i found the text a little hard to read! You have a lot of great and unique content however you seem to have deviated a bit from your upload schedule of Tuesday and Friday. You may want to try and keep your videos around the same length of say 10 minutes, your subscribers may be looking forward to your next video and see it is only 1 minute long compared to the previous video of say 9 minutes. You need to work on your description - they are a bit short, maybe add in your social media links down there???

Any advice you have for us would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :bounce:

Hi there,

First of you have some great content, while your banner is okay you could probably improve it by adding your channel name on to it. You have got fairly good descriptions which YouTube will read to rank your videos. You definitely need to work on your thumbnails try making them to tell your viewers what the video will be about. Ask yourself why would i click on this video? And if you cant find an answer then you need to rethink it! The audio quality could be better - i detect a slight hissing sound that could be my headphones though. Your video quality is great so keep up the work and the results will follow!

Sure, I would love to hear what you think! Please be honest and thank you so much for doing this! You are awesome!

Hi there,

First impressions? Extremely good! You have good graphics for your channel art and thumbnails that stand out, all your videos are really good and it looks like you have good subscriber engagement (likes and comments). This first of all shows that you are engaging your "fans". To improve? Set a uploading schedule that you can stick to - I notice about a week ago you didn't upload any videos for 2-3 weeks. Its not good to leave your subscribers hanging!

Well done i have nothing more to add - you seem to have everything going in the right direction!

Hey can you do mine ? Also can you tell me what I need to be doing different to gain more subs
What immediately struck me was your banner :) Don't change it, it really stands out! You need to set out a clear upload schedule - at the moment i cant tell if your a weekly or daily vlogger etc... Your thumbnails, they aren't bad try using a image which is interesting and really shows what that vlog is about! Your getting a fair amount of views for your subscriber count so make sure your giving good titles to your videos. Your video named "lets ride" doesn't really give me a clue about what the video is so why should i click on it? A good example of one of your titles is "the worst cooking vlog ever" People want to click that and see why its so bad! (or good). Make sure your utilizing social medial to its full extent, you need to be tweeting more and trying to build your "fan base" on twitter as well. Use hashtags when sharing your videos!

Might not be what you're into but check it out!! :D
While indeed this is not my type of thing lol I'll try my best. First of all - You need to change that channel banner ASAP, it doesnt tell me anything about your channel - include your channel name and maybe a slogan such as makeup and tutorials. Thumbnails they need work - the color makes it very hard to read. You need to engage with your viewers and reply to your comments. Again set up an upload schedule, maybe once a week, tell your viewers when they can expect a new video and that will give them a reason to subscribe thus increasing views, likes etc.. Also you need to set up a channel layout, to do this go to your channel page, press the cog button then custom layout.

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