Review type: Score or Other?

WIT Thinks

Hey! I have a channel up discussing various different subjects, however I have a section that is going unused which I am tempted to do a few short reviews for games as I game quite a bit.

My question is what format of a final review do you recommend, or is your personal preference? A solid score, for example 3 out of 5 or 7.5 out of 10, or do you prefer a different method such as Buy or Avoid? I am pretty undecided.
Hey! I have a channel up discussing various different subjects, however I have a section that is going unused which I am tempted to do a few short reviews for games as I game quite a bit.

My question is what format of a final review do you recommend, or is your personal preference? A solid score, for example 3 out of 5 or 7.5 out of 10, or do you prefer a different method such as Buy or Avoid? I am pretty undecided.
I'd avoid review scores honestly. Just tell your opinions on the game, and tell people what you honestly think in terms of whether they should buy it or not.

Review scores are flawed, and I don't like em.
I prefer the "Get or avoid" formula (at least is what I did in my videos), usually adding some extra details ("Get it if you also like this", for instance)