Requesting a Quick Channel Review (Anything is Appreciated)


Liking YTtalk
Hello, I have been on this forum for almost a month and I just found this thread. Any pointers, errors etc. that you see on my channel, please let me know. I mainly focus on my Call of Duty Funny Moments videos as well as Vainglory Videos. I do my best to keep the videos short (audience retention time isn't that high). I almost have 44k views but only 238 subscribers. I don't know what I am doing incorrectly. Thanks :)

:)[DOUBLEPOST=1466321006,1466319786][/DOUBLEPOST]The content Below is the type of video I am trying to focus my attention on (Funny moments)

[DOUBLEPOST=1466328644][/DOUBLEPOST]And here is a heavily edited video. Please let me know your feedback.