channel reviews

  1. TheCreatorCritic

    The Creator Critic Reviews SilvrWingsDragon *A Gaming Channel Review*

    Hey there, On this channel review, I reviewed a good friend of mine who does survival horror gaming videos and she asked me to do this as part of a challenge and of course I accepted! So, here it is boys and girls... the review that brought me back to it all!!
  2. SwaggyIndian

    Review channel?

    Can someone please review my channel and give me feedback.
  3. wufu

    Requesting a Quick Channel Review (Anything is Appreciated)

    Hello, I have been on this forum for almost a month and I just found this thread. Any pointers, errors etc. that you see on my channel, please let me know. I mainly focus on my Call of Duty Funny Moments videos as well as Vainglory Videos. I do my best to keep the videos short (audience...
  4. Meatloaf Princess

    Used an ingredient in a new way in video but lost two subscribers

    In my latest video, I stuffed a meatloaf into a black chicken, which is commonly used in Chinese soups and not stuffed like any ordinary chicken. As a result, I lost two subscribers and immediately got two dislikes. But I'm really confused, as the point of my channel is cooking with ingredients...
  5. BeautyByCat

    Review on my Thumbnails & Channel art?

    I just made a new channel art today and i wanna make sure it like.. Pops? I guess- I personally like it but I am just curious if it draws your eye or not? Also just wondering if maybe I should edit my thumbnails differently? I feel like they're kind of bland in a way, so tell me what you think...
  6. Marsha Mellow

    Hey Y'all Doing Some Channel Reviews

    I'm a professional video editor - So i'll be doing them on more of a video editing side of things. I'll get you back to you when I can. Bit of background: I work for a channel with 97,000 subscribers, I had some insight so I thought I'd start up my own personal channel with a show called Go...
  7. SlayerXtR

    The Creator Critic's Mini-Reviews Series

    Hey everyone, Some of you know me as the ghost with the most.. wait.. that's Beetlejuice... No no, let's start over shall we! Some of you may know me as SlayerXtR.. a Let's Player that did let's plays and all kinds of interesting stuff, but now I am focusing on my new dream channel that I've...