Reddit, the weapon I just can't shoot with.

Most of Reddit wants you to fail. It's a very bitter place.

That said you can't just toss videos up there and think they'll go viral, you have to become part of a sub.
It is a "Hit or miss" kind of thing! You gotta be careful of what and where you post your videos! be active in a subreddit before posting the vids!
I hit up smaller subreddits and try to hit specific subreddits that the topic is about. Like I made a video about coffee in italy so I posted to /r/italy and /r/coffee and the /r/italy did much better than the /r/coffee. So it's a bit fickle but them smaller subreddits are where it's at
I am also posting videos and not really getting any luck. Maybe I should try making a friendly aproach in my titles there
You may not be getting any response because your target audience (3-7 yo's) are not on reddit. The best you'll reach is other kids channel parent creators, and most will be small channels after subs and views. Best to focus exclusively on the platform where your audience is - Yt.
The secret to Reddit is the timing of your post. I made a thread on it a while back. I've accumulated over 100k views from Reddit just the past year, and it's what really got my channel snowballing.
I just analyzed this and I'm definitely going to have to keep trying to wrap my brain around it. I feel like I have a general gist of it but I'm pretty active on reddit so I really want to be able to get this!
After all I had a little success, the video I promoted gained 45 views, which makes it my most popular and it gained a like. Guess for future will gain more and more :)
Thank you all for the good advices, helped a lot :)
Kind regards :)