Problem with my inbox

Yeah I am having the same problem and even rereading over and over doesnt help. I need to remove the messages but always you cannot do that!
I've read the message and the inbox wont count it as unread. I'd like to keep it.
I've read the message and the inbox wont count it as unread. I'd like to keep it.
ah I was just about to make a thread about this, good job i didn't, this too happens to me and is really frustrating. Just one of those things I guess.
Right now when I open my inbox and check a message or comment, it's still marked as unread. This is extremely annoying to me, because whenever I check it for messages or new comments I have to go through and click each and every one to see if it's a new one or not. Plus I almost feel OCD on this, as it's driving me crazy. I almost feel tempted to log off for a week until I know it's fixed. Anybody else have this problem?
Right now when I open my inbox and check a message or comment, it's still marked as unread. This is extremely annoying to me, because whenever I check it for messages or new comments I have to go through and click each and every one to see if it's a new one or not. Plus I almost feel OCD on this, as it's driving me crazy. I almost feel tempted to log off for a week until I know it's fixed. Anybody else have this problem?
Welcome to the club Matt.