Please be a annoying one, but a glitch.

wonder if my sub got unstuck again. Everytime I sub to a new channel I have to check the sub after a couple of days to see if it actually well kept me subbed. I suspect people are being "unsubbed" without knowing some more google goodness for you :)
wonder if my sub got unstuck again. Everytime I sub to a new channel I have to check the sub after a couple of days to see if it actually well kept me subbed. I suspect people are being "unsubbed" without knowing some more google goodness for you :)
yeah its getting to be annoying. You know makes me wonder if its a lie when they post "no stats have been lost" in analotics.
yeah its getting to be annoying. You know makes me wonder if its a lie when they post "no stats have been lost" in analotics.

lol yeah um I loose lots of info regularly one day i have like 1k more views then another day and I loose subs but dont see any changes and well yeah its wierd and the info is not reliable. There used to be a bug related to video uploads if you uploaded 101 videos your stats would actually go down instead of up on video 101. So anyone with that number of videos was always deleting videos to avoid hitting that bug.. (have no clue if that is fixed even....)
lol yeah um I loose lots of info regularly one day i have like 1k more views then another day and I loose subs but dont see any changes and well yeah its wierd and the info is not reliable. There used to be a bug related to video uploads if you uploaded 101 videos your stats would actually go down instead of up on video 101. So anyone with that number of videos was always deleting videos to avoid hitting that bug.. (have no clue if that is fixed even....)
Wow that's F-ed up