People that beg for subs

Since I started youtube a few months ago, this has been something that I had found extremely annoying. I've had a few successful videos that got around 300 views with 35-40 likes and about 20-40 comments (I know I know but to me that's success) and I was also given a shout out and ever since than, I get people that comment something generic like "Haha great video, do you mind checking out my channel?". I know you didn't watch the video, I know you just came here wrote that comment and drifted into the distance to go spam other fresh and new youtube channels. If you guys do that please stop, it's not gonna help your channel one bit. If you give a reference to the video in the comment, personally, I'll check your channel out just because, but a "amazing, check out my channel" doesn't work.
If you cant spare time for them, why should they for you?

Tell me what you guys think about this, if you ever encountered people like this etc. !

Praise Jesus I hate that! I am going to a video on that. If you want to get your channel out! Network, hard work, collab and market yourself those are the key.
THIS! I actually had a guy on Facebook post up on a thing I was asking the members "I am making a new channel, mind subbing while I set up" Ummmmmmm no. Why the hell would I subscribe to a channel with absolutely no content?

If I get a comment that actually shows they have watched my video. (i.e "I liked the part where you did X then Y happened") I will hesitantly click their stuff because I see it as a huge advertisement on my stuff which I don't like. If they leave a generic "Nice, please watch me!" nope. They get deleted

Oh boy, do I know those kinds of people. One time, I had this YouTube named RoadRunner1776 (something like that), and he said "Hey, nice LP; mind subbing to me? I am gonna start making videos in a month or so", I ain't subscribing to your a**; I know you didn't watch my video. And then, after I reported his comment for spam, he had the audacity to report me back for "discrimination".

What the actual hell?
Oh boy, do I know those kinds of people. One time, I had this YouTube named RoadRunner1776 (something like that), and he said "Hey, nice LP; mind subbing to me? I am gonna start making videos in a month or so", I ain't subscribing to your a**; I know you didn't watch my video. And then, after I reported his comment for spam, he had the audacity to report me back for "discrimination".

What the actual hell?
Oh my lord are you serious? Wow...
Exactly, when channels do that they seem so mundane and just as bad as the next channel that does it. It's always best to grow through friends and other places, not in someones comment section.'s cliche at this point. You're not even a proper YouTuber if you haven't had those comments.

"Ha vary foony! I liek! Plz wil u soobskribe to ma gaming shannel! I mek the funny vidyows! It wud meyn so mowch to me if u sookskribe plz"
Yea like I feel like you would never like that persons channel if he begs for subs. Even if the content is really really good, if the channel begs for subs then its a no go...
Iv gotten these kind of comments on my other channels where it was usually the same generic thing but it always ended off with "Check out my channel."

Its up to you what you do with them I just reply to them but very rarely check out their channel unless they actually put some sort of effort into the comment which then I would consider checking out their channel.