People being "wannabes?"

Chance C

I Love YTtalk
Okay, well ive seen this on afew of youtube posters (not on here) and I'm not gonna mention names, i know theres afew people that are trying to be, like pewdiepie, and i think wow, they are actually failing pretty bad, and would never be like him, why do people do this? :confused: Have any of you guys seen people trying to be or live upto somebody else's youtube videos / standards?
If this was aimed at me, I am in no way trying to be PewDiePie.

And yes I see tryhard copycats everywhere on Youtube. It's almost a little saddening.
Some people see someone famous on YouTube, and aspire to be just like them. Sure sometimes people can take it to far and copy the famous YouTuber exactly, but sometimes they can really improve if they have their standards set so high. It is sort of split 50/50.
I hope I'm not considered as a wannabe.

HOWEVER, if people wannabe my lover, they've got to get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends!
Wow, you just got all spice girl up in here... ;)
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I am in no way like Pewdiepie.. I do like pie.. chocolate pie.. And Pumpkin.
Who doesn't like pie.. but imitation pie is just gross.
KEN LOL!!!!.

And to answer your question, I think that they are just inspired by pewdie whatever his name is..and putting that same essence in their own videos. I don't think it is in anyway wrong, they just have not found their own swag of getting their message across. Most of the time, people are inspired to create videos by another youtuber, some take off by imitating their favorites and eventually phase out and become their own person. So good on them for trying in the first place.
Okay, well ive seen this on afew of youtube posters (not on here) and I'm not gonna mention names, i know theres afew people that are trying to be, like pewdiepie, and i think wow, they are actually failing pretty bad, and would never be like him, why do people do this? :confused: Have any of you guys seen people trying to be or live upto somebody else's youtube videos / standards?
Made a post like this 2 days ago, so agree!