Gaming PC Gamer Who Needs YouTube Partners! (13 years old+)+)

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Hello Everyone! I'm Rayman684, and I need a partner on youtube so views and subscribers can rise more, all I need is some info and make sure you meet my one requirement, you're 13 or older!
What Software Is Your Computer? (Windows,Mac,Linux) Mines Windows
How much RAM does it have? Mine has 7 (5.65 usable)
What games do you have? Some of mine include MC, Terraria, and Space Engineers
What kind of games can you get? I can get Free or cheap games
How old are you? I'm 13
Whats Your YT account name? Mines RM684 // RayGames684
How many Subs do you have? I have 28
If you do get in, any choices for a group name?(Don't be bias!) Im asking you for ideas
Do you have skype? If so, what is it? Mine will only been seen by people who are accepted

I will check this regularly and see which people I will choose the people I think would work well with me and whomever else joins​
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May I ask you to fill out the little form to :) people probably want to know the same information about you!

I'm also not clear on what your asking. You are asking about starting a NEW channel? or just doing some collab videos?
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May I ask you to fill out the little form to :) people probably want to know the same information about you!

I'm also not clear on what your asking. You are asking about starting a NEW channel? or just doing some collab videos?

I am asking peope to fill it out to make a collab group, and sure, I'll fill it out!
I meet the requirement and have 145 subs
Can you give me the info? just answer it in this order:
What Software Is Your Computer? (Windows,Mac,Linux)
How much RAM does it have?
What games do you have?
What kind of games can you get?
How old are you?
Whats Your YT account name?
How many Subs do you have?
If you do get in, any choices for a group name?(Don't be bias!)
Do you have skype? If so, what is it?
I am rather curious on why the ram matters? >.< but I digress.

I run windows 10 pro
32gb of RAM
I have hundreds of steam games, all the blizzard games, minecraft ect. Let me know what game your looking for and I most likely have it.
I can get any games as long as there not like hundreds of dollars
I'm 18
My youtube account name is BCtopics
currently have 67 subs
Nope whatever name you like is fine
Yes I do have a skype, it is BCtopics
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