
Overwatch YouTuber

Hello everyone, my name is Bailey, better known as Baylze!

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▼▼▼▼▼ ABOUT THIS GAME! ▼▼▼▼▼


Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was released in 2016, on platforms; PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One. Overwatch allows players to select one of several pre-defined hero characters with unique movement, attributes, and abilities; these heroes are divided into four classes: Offense, Defense, Tank and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map and/or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. The shooter has become highly acclaimed since release, reached 20,000,000 players and achieving severeal game awards.

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Tags: Action, FPS, 1st Person, Competitive, Casual, Tracer​