One of my popular videos is not earning. WHY?

im saying don't complain if your videos aren't giving the money you want, its not like it is your job. I wouldn't know if it was your job because your channel link does not work.

Oh. I thought you were trying to answer my question of why you thought it is wrong for people to make money on their youtube account. I am not complaining. I am trying to learn why one video has over 25,000 watch minutes this month and has only earned $0.10 and another video has only had 102 watch minutes and has earned $0.11. To say that is a dramatic difference is an understatement. I would just like to know why.[DOUBLEPOST=1470231134,1470201595][/DOUBLEPOST]
I wouldn't know if it was your job because your channel link does not work.

My channel link is working now. Thanks for the heads up.
Oh. I thought you were trying to answer my question of why you thought it is wrong for people to make money on their youtube account. I am not complaining. I am trying to learn why one video has over 25,000 watch minutes this month and has only earned $0.10 and another video has only had 102 watch minutes and has earned $0.11. To say that is a dramatic difference is an understatement. I would just like to know why.[DOUBLEPOST=1470231134,1470201595][/DOUBLEPOST]

My channel link is working now. Thanks for the heads up.
like i said before, youtube changed the algorithms so how much money you get depends on the watch time that video has racked up. Also, if your video is over 10 minutes, you get to display an extra ad which gives you even more revenue from that video. This is what i have learned from other youtubers and such, i am not 100% certain that it is all true.
That's normal, external view earning in embded player are really-really low. Sometime the website hosting the embded video use a script removing direclly the Youtube ads inserted on your embded video. You can do nothing about that. Sorry.

Youtube is hosting your videos, without Youtube, Youtubers wouldn't exist.

Can't you read ? Most of it's view are external.... Youtube without external embded video would never have taken off. Even today external view on Youtube represent à very large part of the Youtube audience. Stop speak on behalf of YouTube pls...[DOUBLEPOST=1470387722,1470387553][/DOUBLEPOST]
Also, if you are doing youtube for the money, then get off of youtube. I am sorry, but that is not the way to go with Youtube.

So why are you putting ads on your videos ?....
another thing to consider is if your video is advertiser friendly.
if it has adult themes and swearing many advertisers will shy away from it. also the content, does it match up with things you can buy in the real world? your more likely to get ads on your video if people can sell something to it's audience that would interest them.
(eg selling games to a gaming video, toys to a cartoon etc.)

can you check on google adsense directly to see how many ads were served and what the RPM etc is. it tells you almost real time.
Lightsen. I think you might be on to something. There is a product mentioned in my video a RWS Diana Model 36 air rife, but RWS does not make this product anymore. My gun is an antique. But you would think that since the video is about air guns and getting thousands of hits a day, there would be some advertisers in the air gun industry that would want to put ads on the video. I know I get hit with ads from everywhere (tracking) I go because I bought some stuff from them.
That's normal, external view earning in embded player are really-really low. Sometime the website hosting the embded video use a script removing direclly the Youtube ads inserted on your embded video. You can do nothing about that. Sorry.

Can't you read ? Most of it's view are external.... Youtube without external embded video would never have taken off. Even today external view on Youtube represent à very large part of the Youtube audience. Stop speak on behalf of YouTube pls...[DOUBLEPOST=1470387722,1470387553][/DOUBLEPOST]

So why are you putting ads on your videos ?....
im blind, idk, im not going to get into this conversation
Also, if you are doing youtube for the money, then get off of youtube. I am sorry, but that is not the way to go with Youtube.

@KingRay111 - This is the monetization forum. This forum exists to discuss anything money-related. This is not the debate forum. Please stop derailing the thread, thank you. :) (no need to reply)

Ok, let's get this thread back on topic............
Lightsen. I think you might be on to something. There is a product mentioned in my video a RWS Diana Model 36 air rife, but RWS does not make this product anymore. My gun is an antique. But you would think that since the video is about air guns and getting thousands of hits a day, there would be some advertisers in the air gun industry that would want to put ads on the video. I know I get hit with ads from everywhere (tracking) I go because I bought some stuff from them.

looks like creating ads on adwords for guns is restricted
so there are probably fewer gun ads paying for your video since not easy to get a typical ad approved.
pyramidair is probably using retargeted ads to follow you around. so maybe thats different and perhaps using different platform.

also youtube pays you a % of the ad revenue. and advertisers are bidding different rates for different categories. so some categories just pay more than others. but i think your issue has more to do with the guns.