^this isn't actually a bad idea...flood the site ya follow me, really get to them!Maybe everyone should make a tutorial on how to use the "uploads only" feature so that videos explaning it are just EVERYWHERE.
Yep! I know I'll do one!^this isn't actually a bad idea...flood the site ya follow me, really get to them!
Ooh, even though I would have left YouTube, I would never have left the forum! ^_^agreed youtubes got a master plan.... i bet you its because of all the ad blockersanyways... dont leave pearl D: who knows maby they will switch it back ^^
What in the world was the point of posting this?LMAOOOOOOO
Pearl, that's what they are COUNTING on. I've had alot of people reveal to me what's really going on. They want to turn it into a commercial/pay site, and not a user generated one. They put the "feedback" option, to make sure their plan was working and make sure everyone is getting p****d. Please don't give up, let's brain storm. Let's p**s THEM off, by NOT leaving and finding ways to get around this. Maybe everyone should make a tutorial on how to use the "uploads only" feature so that videos explaning it are just EVERYWHERE. Please don't let them win, we've got to fight back. If it's too much for you, I understand, but I'm not going down so easily, they'll have to send an army to stop this symph.
[DOUBLEPOST=1355144489,1355144411][/DOUBLEPOST]p.s don't leave pearl just bare with it for nowit takes a bit of getting used to but the new interface is manageable
Lol this is the dumbest thread ever sorry no offense but nothing has changed yet besides the layout. -___-
Alot of people don't seem to understand why its such a big deal. The casual viewer is not thinking "Man I want to make sure I see all my subscriptions" They simply see something they like, sub to it, and if they notice it in their feed, watch, and if they don't, don't. This is why alot of them will not care enough nor think to go in and find the tiny (purposefully tiny) little "uploads only" option so they avoid all the recommendations and comments. The other layout was like a step in between this one, with the "highlighs" setting. I mean, youtube is a billion dollar company, they have EXPERTS making their website, you really think they just never thought "Maybe we should let the highlights option be able to be removed permanently" No man, they purposefully made it return to highlights every 24 hours. Now they have purposefully, put their recommendations in our feeds, and purposefully made it so you have to put some effort into finding how to do uploads only. Theyre making it a little more confusing, a little less obvious, and it's all so uploaders will feel how Pearl does. youtube isn't stupid, if they wanted to make the site user friedly, they easily could. This is intentional.
Heya, fellas. I've been thinking a lot.
I don't think I can/want to make any more YouTube videos.
Why? Because of the new layout. I just can't use YouTube anymore. It's confusing, annoying and ugly.
It's too bad that they just have to change the layout just because they can. It's so annoying and I'm not sure if I can anymore. YouTube doesnt give a rat's a** about the users's opinions. They just change everything all the time. Uglier and uglier and more confusing every time.
I liked YouTube just the way it was when the describtion was by the right next to the video!
It's a shame...