Not suitable for advertisers...cannot request review.

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New Member

I'm trying to request a manual review for a bunch of my videos that got hit with the "Not suitable for most advertisers" but it seems that I don't have the link in the video manager to do so. Has this happened to anyone else?

For me, the only time that happens is when you have already requested the review and then it does that in the pic
If ur 100 percent sure you didnt already click it
Then maybe, the content has actually already been reviewed manually due to the content being flagged by users etc...
I could be wrong tho and it could just be a bug.
Who knows now a days with youtube
That´s my though as well, that you might have already requested a review and they confirmed that the video isn´t eligible for monetisation!
I have had a few videos like that, that I talk about some attacks in the world, which i could understand that youtube doesn´t want monetised!
That´s my though as well, that you might have already requested a review and they confirmed that the video isn´t eligible for monetisation!
I have had a few videos like that, that I talk about some attacks in the world, which i could understand that youtube doesn´t want monetised!
Honestly think that YouTube has become so baby like and its being overrun by advertisers
Not a lot of businesses have balls anymore and this whole politically correct s**t ruins everything including our favorite place
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