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New Member
I’m new to YouTube and have posted around 8 videos. I think they are getting a little better each time. But I’m not getting very many views and only have 9 subs. People never like my videos but I don’t think they are bad or anything it’s just that I’m not getting the views. If I post more videos will they start getting more attention? If you wanna check it out and give me some tips my channel name is Jrid TheBEAST and I post all Fortnite right now. Will try different games soon. Thanks a lot for any feedback.
I’m new to YouTube and have posted around 8 videos. I think they are getting a little better each time. But I’m not getting very many views and only have 9 subs. People never like my videos but I don’t think they are bad or anything it’s just that I’m not getting the views. If I post more videos will they start getting more attention? If you wanna check it out and give me some tips my channel name is Jrid TheBEAST and I post all Fortnite right now. Will try different games soon. Thanks a lot for any feedback.

Hello and welcome to YTtalk. :)

Everyone wants more views. It's pretty much what the whole forum is about. Consequently, this question has been asked and answered hundreds of times already. Since the answers don't change, these threads get locked. :)

Here are some sections to check out (but there is no need to start a new thread):

Also, please use the forum search:

Active members looking for specific advice for their channel based on their existing channel or videos may ask for a review in the review forum. ( ) The review forum is the only forum where our active members can ask for feedback on their videos and channel (including artwork). We like to keep that sort of thread out of the main forums. :) If the thread complies with the review forum rules (at the top of the review forum), then it will be approved by a member of staff.

Since you aren't yet active enough to ask for a review, I advise you to be a bit more active around the forum, take part in some discussions over the next few days, become part of the community and then ask for a review as per the guidelines above. :)
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