New Kids Channel - Review Our First Video Please :)


Hi guys, I hope you're good! We've recently been out and about at various events over the UK filming for a new kids channel emphasising on being active. For our first episode we visited Tough Mudders Mini Mudder and spoke to a few kids who ran the course. Here is the video:

Our plan is to keep going to events like this, but to also have other mini series within the channel - one being dream jobs, where we visit for example a pilot, or a zoo keeper, or anything kids might be interested in and spend the day with them.

We'd love some feedback on our first video to take onboard for our upcomming shoots. Personally, I come from a corporate/events background and don't have too much experiance filming for kids stuff yet - although this is quickly changing! This was shot by a 2 man team (presenter & camera) on Sony FS7 with audio going into the camera. There are some BTS pics on my Instagram if anyone's interested: one thing I might start taking to events is a top light for the FS7, we have been bringing big LED pannels but they are sometimes too big to use comfortably!

I'm afraid I can't help too much. This kinda stuff is too painful for me to watch, but it does look well shot, edited and the audio is pretty good too. I think it will do well with its intended audience :)
Very well produced content. Everything looks great. You have a good channel on your hands.