
I've Got It
I'm animating a web series for my YouTube channel. It's an original series that I came up with about a 16 year old named Edwin, he has the ability to mutate his arm into a giant monster arm. Later in the series he can mutate both arms into monster arms.
He lives in the world where the Avien Virus has killed and has even changed most of the humans and wildlife. The city he starts off in is known as a fallen city. A fallen city is basically like the walls from Attack on titan, except that's it's not that well built on the outest wall where all the poor people are forced to live in.
Edwin has lived most of what he remembers of his life in fear of a man who has been hunting him down, the mans name is Albert. Albert is a member of the council. Edwin finally escapes the fallen city and joins the group know as Survivors.
After joining, Edwin learns of the real threat, a wicked named Ramiro. Ramiro is a half human half zombie. He is more in tune with his zombie instincts, he can also use his brain twhich allows him to have the ability of speech, thoughts and emotions. He has turned other humans into wickeds to build himself an army, and he alone has the ability to control the zombies.

If this sounds like a story you can get behind, just leave me a message here. I plan to do all of the animating, I already am recruiting voice actors for the roles and have already 20+ auditions, I also have a friend who will be making the music and finally I have a partner who I'm also teaching how to animate to help me out with the animations. I plan to have short
5-10 minute videos so there won't be too much writing. I hope to have some responses soon, and thank you for taking an interest and reading the entire thing if you've gotten this far. :)
Sounds like a pretty awesome story to be a part of! I'd be more than happy to also audition for a role.
Also, I've got some practice in writing, story & character development, and plot structure; So you could bounce ideas off me for feedback.
Sounds like a pretty awesome story to be a part of! I'd be more than happy to also audition for a role.
Also, I've got some practice in writing, story & character development, and plot structure; So you could bounce ideas off me for feedback.
Sounds great, do you have a Skype?
Add me on discord (contact details below) and Private message me your skype so I can add you. I don't like to give my skype so freely, interested in this if its a paid opportunity.
Add me on discord (contact details below) and Private message me your skype so I can add you. I don't like to give my skype so freely, interested in this if its a paid opportunity.
Sadly it's not, but thank you for your interest.