Paranoia Origins
That's okay! I might have to do some concessions with the design, such as simplifying shapes and patterns. I hope that is okay with you. Also, sorry if I came across as rude, it is fine to ask for opinions. It just didn't really seem to help you into making a decision.
@Dutchie Abroad <- I'll have to add the tails, horns and hair to the sketches, so I'll send them over in a little while. Don't have Discord, sorry. I'll be using the DM system of this site, I hope that is sufficient for you.
Its not that just i "Never" get feedback from anyone, no family, no friends, etc. so when i do get one i may ask too many questions ;/ bad habbit. If i could find the imvu item and link them to you can get a better look at it
Every peice to my furry hope it helps with drawing and no rush

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