Need help coming up with a new logo design for my youtube gaming channel!

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Awesome! SOrry for the late reply, was eating dinner. I'll just be needing some more information:

Pose: Standing, sitting, holding something?
Design: Which design are we going with?
Expression: What kind of character trait(s) would you like to convey? Cool, shy, happy?

I'll make a sketch of the character(s? Are we looking at one or two?). Upon confirmation I will first need a full payment before I move on to linework and color.

Pose: I'm not sure, banner wise i'm thinking standing holding something, logo sitting down. (what do you think?)
Design: Color and Shade one cause i rather go all out so my outro doesnt feel different from my banner and logo so they all will have that color & shade 3d feel about them.
Expression: I guess going based off my outro character isnt sad more like a strong slient type, looks sad or mad but hes just thinking or just a lot on his mind. My characters never go off who i am in real life :P other then looks XD (s**t i wish i was my furry from imvu) XD

well which do you think as for the characters?
Pose: I'm not sure, banner wise i'm thinking standing holding something, logo sitting down. (what do you think?)
That's fine, I'll look up some anthro posing and play around. What exactly do you mean with logo? Cause for me a logo would be like the 'Dutchie Abroad' lettering in my signature, so a representation of your channel name. Or did you mean the endcard as logo?

Expression: I guess going based off my outro character isnt sad more like a strong slient type, looks sad or mad but hes just thinking or just a lot on his mind. My characters never go off who i am in real life :p
That's fine :)

(s**t i wish i was my furry from imvu) XD
well which do you think as for the characters?
If you already have a furry design, why don't we go with that one? Otherwise I just really need you to make a choice between 1, 3 and 4. I've already given my opinion, so now it's up to you to choose ;)
well i not sure i'll have to log back on imvu and take every screen shot and show you and because hes really hard to draw XD well for me since this mac isnt all that great
well i not sure i'll have to log back on imvu and take every screen shot and show you and because hes really hard to draw XD well for me since this mac isnt all that great
Well, for me it depends on the complexity of the patterns. If I'm only drawing him twice I can do quite a bit. I'd say, show me the design and I'll let you know if I can do it :)
got a email i can send you them faster?
Ah, I prefer not to post my email on forums (since bots will pick up on them and send me spam). Just one or two screenshots would be enough to give me an idea of the design and if we go with that one, I'll dm you my email for more reference pictures.
if you say so XD[DOUBLEPOST=1545326349,1545326075][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ah, I prefer not to post my email on forums (since bots will pick up on them and send me spam). Just one or two screenshots would be enough to give me an idea of the design and if we go with that one, I'll dm you my email for more reference pictures.

Ok i put them all on imgur here: Says KujiZaArufa above his head XD you'll know my furry when you see it paranoia0rigins.imgur(dot)com/all <- and such if you need more info comment on my youtube www(dot)youtube(dot)com/channel/UC5zYmF1o7t2DC-ERyesi52w

if that imgur link doesnt work then try this one: imgur(dot)com/a/Fenwb3I[DOUBLEPOST=1545326452][/DOUBLEPOST]
idea 4 is the best one :up2: you have to use it bro ;)
XD we'll see
@ParanoiaOrigins Ah, that last link was exactly what I needed. I see what you mean with a complicated design, a lot of time must have gone in that one! But when you disregard the tails, the design is quite doable. There's quite a lot going on on the face, but with a clean line art that shouldn't be a problem. However, I'm afraid that the tails are a bit unsuitable for a mascot, since they take up so much space and are very detailed.

So at this point I need you to make a choice:
A. Your furry design without tails
B. Your furry design with simplified tails
C. Number one in this thread
D. Number four in this thread
E. Number three of this thread as shown in your endcard.

Please refrain from asking for opinions again, if you like the drawings more quickly I really need to know which design I'm working with. I've completed the base sketch of the standing pose, will be working on the sitting one next.
@ParanoiaOrigins Ah, that last link was exactly what I needed. I see what you mean with a complicated design, a lot of time must have gone in that one! But when you disregard the tails, the design is quite doable. There's quite a lot going on on the face, but with a clean line art that shouldn't be a problem. However, I'm afraid that the tails are a bit unsuitable for a mascot, since they take up so much space and are very detailed.

So at this point I need you to make a choice:
A. Your furry design without tails
B. Your furry design with simplified tails
C. Number one in this thread
D. Number four in this thread
E. Number three of this thread as shown in your endcard.

Please refrain from asking for opinions again, if you like the drawings more quickly I really need to know which design I'm working with. I've completed the base sketch of the standing pose, will be working on the sitting one next.

idea 4 is the best one :up2: you have to use it bro ;)

@Dutchie Abroad <- Yes it took a long time to find the skin, face changer to give my character that wolf head (furry), paws for the feet, ears, the horns that glow red, should download imvu so i can show you and see for yourself someday.

i was thinking like if they where wrapped up together to make it look like one BIG tail but can clearly see there's more then just one maybe?

B. If you can from what i see in the votes people want #4, maybe if you can make it look like #1 that'd be cool. With me furry wolf character has to have tails lol. (sorry for asking for opinions)

See what you can come up with cause i have the money to pay you, cause i just had an idea the card can have my logo on it.

@Club Music Box <- Well see man its being worked on[DOUBLEPOST=1545336589,1545336546][/DOUBLEPOST]@Dutchie Abroad i have a discord if you wish to talk to make it easy to talk then here so we dont blow up the post
B. If you can from what i see in the votes people want #4, maybe if you can make it look like #1 that'd be cool. With me furry wolf character has to have tails lol. (sorry for asking for opinions)
That's okay! I might have to do some concessions with the design, such as simplifying shapes and patterns. I hope that is okay with you. Also, sorry if I came across as rude, it is fine to ask for opinions. It just didn't really seem to help you into making a decision.

I'll have to add the tails, horns and hair to the sketches, so I'll send them over in a little while. Don't have Discord, sorry. I'll be using the DM system of this site, I hope that is sufficient for you.
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