My channel has been really consistent over the last few months though. It simply like someone switched off the lights on Saturday, turned them on again briefly on Sunday, and have now turned them off and kept them off.
All of my competitors are still fine. I speak to some of them and they've noticed that none of my videos are being recommended on theirs anymore.
It's like YT has blacklisted me or something. Really gutted.
I have the EXACT same problem.
Views dropped suddenly on Saturday, then came back to normal on Sunday and finnaly dropped again on Monday and since then the situation is the same....
Like you, none of my videos are suggested on my own videos.
I don't know where it come from. Someone on a facebook page about Youtube said he got this problem and after 2-3 day the problem has
PS: I make a quite big amount of views.
Could you point me towards the page and the person who said that? Would like to ask them if they did anything to change things.
Oh, I'm on that thread as Chris EdwardsNovember was a great month for me. December, unless this changes, will be a disaster