My New Channel Layout


New Member
Hello everyone, i have had a channel now for a while (about 7 months), my main focus was just getting use to speaking out load to my self as i have found that difficult, but now that feel i'm in a place where i am comfortable talking i am wanting to take my content more seriously. i was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to help give me some feedback on my channel? this is in regards to every aspect of it, videos, channel, banner, avatar, intro, outro and anything else related to my channel. it would be greatly appreciated,

thank you.
I took a quick look at your channel so based on first impressions here's what I think needs some work.

Channel Art: Your channel art is really big and does not quite fit because I can see that it got cut off. I suggest making it a little smaller so that it can fit within the space your given to give it more of a professional look.

Videos: Some of your videos are really long so I think that you should make some of them shorter and maybe instead of doing a full walkthrough, just do a walkthrough of a specific level in the game like one that might be really hard to pass so that your videos can be a little shorter and straight to the point.

Voice Over: When you get really excited and start to speak fast it is very hard for me to understand what you are saying so i suggest that you slow down and work on pronouncing your words more so that peopled can understand everything that you are saying.

Also your Youtube name is really long and should be something a little shorter and to the point. Something that people can remember and search easily into youtube if they wanted to watch your videos.

I hope my feedback helps and keep up the good work!!!
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