My last video shows as 24fps though I do everything at 30fps?

Thanks! Really self conscious about these first videos but I suppose that's pretty normal when you start making videos.

On this iMovie mess, I was all ready to go to 24 and then for the heck of it, I restarted the machine a few times and chose to make what they call a Trailer template, brought in a 4K clip and that exported as 4K/30. Now when I begin a regular new video project, it also exports at 4K/30. Very, very flaky. Almost like that 24 setting was "stuck", for a better term.

I'll definitely be going with a new editor at some point and being a lifelong Mac user, it may be a PC editor, which will be odd for me. In any case, I can make this work for the next little while at 30 or 24 while I work on building up my channel.

I really appreciate your help here as I've been working through this!

use whatever software/hardware you prefer,,,,,,,,,, after a short run with free software I jumped on Adobe suite, mainly because I realized that video editing will stick around & even intensify for me,,,,,, Photoshop comes with the package & its good for youtube/IG/facebook thumbnail design/////////// both were a pain to learn as with any software of comparable difficulty/capabilities ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, love premiere because you can customize your whole work panel,,this window smaller,that window longer,close this open that squeeze it there, the list goes on(should make a tutorial 1day) .,..,. ran into this girl software switching video, may not be that useful but she mentions some good things like keyboard shortcuts.,.,.,.,.there are a lot of things that could be done to make the editing process less stressful/easier/faster so more time & energy/mood is left for the hobby itself
I definitely have a lot to learn and a fair number of decisions to make going forward, for the moment due to time constraints I sort of have to stick with what I have, even with this quirky 24/30 business! Still, taking all advice on board!
With the LG G6 at 4K 30. Unless I learn something different, I believe this is an iMovie hiccup as the phone is always set to 4K 30. Sometimes iMovie just brings in footage, or changes the footage to 24. What I'll do for now is when I begin a new project, bring in a single short clip and export it right away to YouTube to confirm it's at 30. Kind of a pain in the neck but I can work with it for the time being.
With the LG G6 at 4K 30. Unless I learn something different, I believe this is an iMovie hiccup as the phone is always set to 4K 30. Sometimes iMovie just brings in footage, or changes the footage to 24. What I'll do for now is when I begin a new project, bring in a single short clip and export it right away to YouTube to confirm it's at 30. Kind of a pain in the neck but I can work with it for the time being.
Was hoping I could help if you were using an iPhone. There's a great editing program for iOS and iPadOS called LumaFusion that would fix your issue.
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