Haters make me laugh.

lol the best way to get use to being hated on is by playing a pk mmorpg every time you kill some one they find the need to say how much you suck and how you spend your whole life and pay check on the game XD good to see your taking it so well. I think the best thing i ever did to a hater on you tube was post his video links on a forum i was on and said to "dont watch the these video just take a second out of your day and hit the dislike button on them thank you kindly" 300 views on one of the videos and 1400+ dislike haha more dislike than view is always a good sign :P
lol the best way to get use to being hated on is by playing a pk mmorpg every time you kill some one they find the need to say how much you suck and how you spend your whole life and pay check on the game XD good to see your taking it so well. I think the best thing i ever did to a hater on you tube was post his video links on a forum i was on and said to "dont watch the these video just take a second out of your day and hit the dislike button on them thank you kindly" 300 views on one of the videos and 1400+ dislike haha more dislike than view is always a good sign :p
How does someone dislike a video without watching it? And that is EPIC!!
the forum i was on had kind of like what we have on a cell phone now were you could like or dislike a video with out it actually starting the video. when you went to the web page you would have to actually click the play button to start the video. so i posted the video and every one hit the dislike button.
the forum i was on had kind of like what we have on a cell phone now were you could like or dislike a video with out it actually starting the video. when you went to the web page you would have to actually click the play button to start the video. so i posted the video and every one hit the dislike button.
That is badass dude.
Don't you just love hate comments? Haha! And awesome reply symph! :D
I didn't used to, but something has just gotten into me lately I don't know what, but I just am not feeling fear about my channel or really just life in general near to the level I was a few weeks ago. I just feel... ballsier, so yeah, now I guess I DO love hate comments. It's kind of like them giving me the gift of pwning. Thank you haters, without you I'd have no one to pwn ;)
Total pwnage! I've never had some ''real" haters like you but I've had my fair share of hate comments, they sometimes range from "shut up asian kid" to "ching chong you're gay" comments. (We Filipinos don't even speak like that), so I guess they're just hating on my race. :D