Its good you can take it this way and to be honest its the best way you can take it, theres little point taking stuff like this to heart :D Have fun man!
Totally, I'm thinking if he comes back, I'll treat him like he's a spectacle, like I'm seeing some rare animal. "Wow I've never seen a real hater up close and personal like this, does anyone have a stick? I wanna poke it and see if it jerks... I hear they don't have feelings..." You know, s**t like that lmao, one can only hope he'll return.
If theyre causing you issues I see no reason why you cant give them it back when theyre the ones coming to you :D
You saw a UFO? That's awesome!
Oh you should watch that vlog, it was an insane night, we didn't just see one, we saw TONS of them, going diagonal and up and down and side to side, one of them just slowly descended till it vanished behind the horizon, and on top of that, horses were coming from a field that was like a mile away, jumping the fence, and coming into my friend's yard, which they had never done in the 2 years he lived there.... it was VERY strange. (I'm not gonna tell you the funny part though, I'd spoil the vlog) here I'll link ya.

At least your hater can put together a proper sentence XD I get illiterate morons and kiddies that only know how to use 'cht spek'.
Oh man.. I've had those too, just not someone who seemed to have a morbid obsession with me, just people hating on that particular video. When someone saw my video spoofing a famous youtuber, they assumed that was either my only video or all my videos were spoofing him, I really don't know how this moron came to this conclusion, but his comment was "Stop stealing other people's ideas and make U R OWN CHANNEL b***h" Seriously... u r own? I think you should get U R OWN DICTIONARY"
I love haters! Wish I had more. I'm of the opinion that all attention is good attention regarding a youtube channel. let your loyal subs beat them down!
I love haters! Wish I had more. I'm of the opinion that all attention is good attention regarding a youtube channel. let your loyal subs beat them down!
I would never, I'm perfectly capable of beating down my haters with my kung fu mind lol. Actually that's a good point, where WERE my loyal fans in this instance?? Huh?? You guys are dropping the ball buddies...

I would never say all attention is good attention, UNLESS, you are legitimately a great channel. If what you do is awesome, then yeah, it's good to have haters, you shine brighter when they show up, and it's a chance to show you aren't afraid of them. But if your channel actually isn't very good? And lots of people are seeing it and hating it? No no.. there's no way that's good.. no chance there's a positive twist on that, that is hands down bad, undeniably lol