My first ever magic tutorial, coin trough table!

Eaglewolf Magic

YTtalk Mad
Hello I am a magician from Reykjavik Iceland. I do magic for a living and recently I started to make videos too! I want to share a few cool, yet simple tricks for the people that are taking their first steps into the realm of magic, and this is my first ever tutorial. :)

So basically my question is:
Is it clear enough?
Did you understand and did you learn?
Did you like it?
Was in interesting enough?

All critical feedback is highly appreciate it!

Eaglewolf Magic

That was really good! The first thing I'd mention was audio levels could use a little tweaking. The voice was a tad too quiet so I turned up my volume and then when the music came in, it was super loud. It wasn't ear bleeding loud or anything but I think increasing your voice audio would help so when the music comes in it isn't such a contrast. I really liked your introduction to the trick, it was entertaining and straight to the point so it held my attention really well. Your personality and passion really shows in it, so it makes you really likable. I think the transitions where it says "performance" and "tutorial" in the bottom right could use some changing up. If I'm honest, I didn't find it aesthetically pleasing and it kind of looks like the video is clipped off at the bottom with dots. You also might want to consider changing the direction it comes out to the left side because if you ever put in channel branding (the little icon you see in the bottom right corner of peoples videos sometimes), it might interfere there. But, with all that said, it's a really great tutorial and I definitely enjoyed it! You were clear and the instructional part of it was really informative and made sense. I'm actually gonna try it with some friends next time we hang out, so we'll see how it goes, haha! I subscribed and look forward to seeing more!
That was really good! The first thing I'd mention was audio levels could use a little tweaking. The voice was a tad too quiet so I turned up my volume and then when the music came in, it was super loud. It wasn't ear bleeding loud or anything but I think increasing your voice audio would help so when the music comes in it isn't such a contrast. I really liked your introduction to the trick, it was entertaining and straight to the point so it held my attention really well. Your personality and passion really shows in it, so it makes you really likable. I think the transitions where it says "performance" and "tutorial" in the bottom right could use some changing up. If I'm honest, I didn't find it aesthetically pleasing and it kind of looks like the video is clipped off at the bottom with dots. You also might want to consider changing the direction it comes out to the left side because if you ever put in channel branding (the little icon you see in the bottom right corner of peoples videos sometimes), it might interfere there. But, with all that said, it's a really great tutorial and I definitely enjoyed it! You were clear and the instructional part of it was really informative and made sense. I'm actually gonna try it with some friends next time we hang out, so we'll see how it goes, haha! I subscribed and look forward to seeing more!

Thank you so much for taking you time and giving me feed back! It means a lot to me! And those points were good, i'll definitely think about them next time!
Critical feedback is the best way IMO to grow and get better, thank you again, and let me know how the trick goes :)