eaglewolf magic

  1. Eaglewolf Magic

    2 Simple Magic Trick Anyone Can Do!

    Hey guys! I appreciate you taking the time to checking out my tutorial :) I'm just wondering about the basic questions, Is it clear enough? Did you learn anything? Is there anything you see that you would like to improve? Thank you everybody on this forum, you've helped me out a TON...
  2. Eaglewolf Magic

    What do YOU like to SEE in a MAGIC video?

    So this is my question to you, :-) What is it you like to see in a magic video? :-O
  3. Eaglewolf Magic

    First check point, check! 50 subs WOOPWOOP :-)

    Alright folks it happend! And i' super happy, going to celebrate by training extra hard to day and upload an other video! :-) 50 people dig my magic enough to follow it haha! That's super cool! Thank you all in the comunity, you've really helped me reach this, I'm very thankful to you all! :-)...
  4. Eaglewolf Magic

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you an impossible card trick!

    Hello! So I finally found somebody to hold my camera, SUUPEER happy about that. Way more fun to do magic to people than alone :) So I'm wondering, what do you think about this video? Is there anything that you see about it that you think that I could do better? Like talking more to the...
  5. Eaglewolf Magic

    My first ever magic tutorial, coin trough table!

    Hello I am a magician from Reykjavik Iceland. I do magic for a living and recently I started to make videos too! I want to share a few cool, yet simple tricks for the people that are taking their first steps into the realm of magic, and this is my first ever tutorial. :-) So basically my...