My First Business inquiry. How to respond?

If she is given a product for free or at discount rate though to review it she has to state so in the video either way. Someone could pay you for the video as well but they need to go through google on that method.

Does a movie reviewer have to disclose that they didn't pay to get into the movie?

You're adding a layer of complexity that is not required. A free product to a reviewer is not a "benefit". It's work. They're giving you work to do. Think of it from a business perspective, not a individual just starting out and getting free stuff perspective.

It's a good idea to disclose anything that might influence your opinion of a product, but that's for your audience.
You're adding a layer of complexity that is not required.

It is required to disclose if you receive something free and review it. Several YouTubers have made videos on the topic one of my favorites being the one by John Bain. I may or may not agree with that all of the time but I'm simply providing her necessary information to protect herself.
I would accept, but with one cravat. "I will not be influenced in my opinion on the item you send"

And naturally you should get it for free, no strings attached.