Other Minnesota Collab Anyone?

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New Member
Just moved to Minnesota recently from Orlando, Florida. Looking for other serious YouTubers nearby who would like to make a video together. My videos are based around all things nerdy/geeky and fun. Already have a couple local YouTubers who are lined up. I live in Roseville (St Paul/Minneapolis) and have a small studio set up in my apartment. I have a tripod and box lights. If anyone is interested or has any ideas, let me know.

My channel is called: Nerdtella
I am also in Minneapolis and growing a new channel from scratch. Down to collab if you're still looking!


Hi and welcome to YTtalk. :)

This thread is from 2016. Please don't bump very old threads - It is likely that some of the people are no longer active here and it is very confusing for those who are. ^^

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Thanks :)
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