Minecraft Capture Software - Advice

Thanks everyone for your contribution, I will try to update the list asap. Looks like magority of the members use Fraps. :)
Should be interested when it comes to testing the different software's out :)

Fraps is great, then use Handbrake video compressor...it is fricking amazing! Compressed a massive 40GB video recorded in Fraps down to about 1GB...the video was about an hour long so I cut and pasted the sections I needed.

Trust me on Handbrake, you won't regret it !
I use Fraps but you could try OBS(Open Broadcaster Software) which Ive used to a couple times. Its free its usually used to stream but you can change the setting to just record, and its good cause the file sizes arent to big and you can set it up to record your face if you have a facecam so virtually no editing just put it in your editing software and render it.
Fraps - Majority of users have used this particular software such as; GamerKeebzy
Advantage:- Great quality, simple to use

Disadvantage:- File size can be huge. 5-15 minutes long gameplay can result in 3.5GB file size. So if your hoping to upload gameplays that are 30 minutes long that means the file size will be around 7-8GB each. Not many options to choose from.
After recording my videos in FRAPS, I generally put them into my video editing software and recompile them into a more compressed format. I have had hundreds of Gigs of recordings and can generally chop that down by 70% with a bit of compression.

Just because FRAPS doesn't compress by default doesn't mean you can't compress it yourself, THEN edit it, to reduce the file sizes.
I personally just used fraps on everything I recorded on my PC.. with a 1TB external HD I didn't have to really worry about file size.. and when I rendered them out they wen't down to like 200MBs or so :')
I have been using Fraps, but I have heard from some other gamers that dxtory is better. I might try out dxtory soon.