Mastering the Black Box


It seems to people not not privy to the inner workings of the YouTube algorythm that it appears as a big Black Box. Does anyone here observe that a black box input of x always outputs y? In other words any observations of things that definitely work to gain more exposure, views, subs, etc? Conversely, are things observed that definitely cause obscurity, lack of views, and channel slowdown or death?
I have noticed that posting consistency, and long, detailed and relevant video descriptions help. I've also noticed that there isn't a need to make "part 1, part 2, part 3" videos anymore. YouTube seems to accommodate promoting looooong videos just as well as ones split into multiple parts, although there may be a human psychological element to seeing a video 1 hour long vs. a section that's only 20 minutes.

Changing lots of stuff after the video has been published is (usually) "bad" in the sense that it seems to reset search rankings and in Google's little world. It could be good if the video isn't doing well, but bad if the video is doing well...

That's about all I've noticed so far. :eek:
Changing lots of stuff after the video has been published is (usually) "bad" in the sense that it seems to reset search rankings and in Google's little world. It could be good if the video isn't doing well, but bad if the video is doing well...

That's about all I've noticed so far. :eek:

This advice costs me much, but ppl always learn it the hard way. Thanks for confirming my thoughts about it.