This is a great common sense rule, but this is not about common sense or what YouTube can do. YouTube has not say so in the matter. The FTC has said they are coming after content creators directly for the ads that YouTube shows on their videos. So, even if YouTube ask parents to "Authorize" their kids to view a video by checking a box, the FTC does not care. The FTC could care less that parents allow their kids to watch the video. The FTC has now assumed the responsibility for what kids can see and taken that responsibility away from parents. I have a video uploading right now that I am putting out to explain what is going on and tell people what they need to do. YouTube is washing their hands of it and passing the buck onto the creators. They do not want the responsibility of control what ads get show where. This is why they are giving us the choice of designating each video as "Child-Directed" or "Not Child-Direct". If you choose "Child-Directed" say goodbye to 90% of your earnings. If you chose, "Not Child-Direct" you now assume personal liability to the tune of $42,000 per video on your channel. In this way, Youtube has made it clear that they have no interest in trying to regulate where and who they show ads to. So the multi-billion dollar corporation with the largest and most advanced computer algorithm has washed their hands and said that we the little creator now have to decide where they can show ads. So what it boiled down to is this. The parents have passed the buck of responsibility of monitoring what their kids can do online. Google has passed the buck of controlling who sees their ads. The FTC has passed the buck trying to come up with common-sense rules that actually would protect kids. All these passed bucks have landed onto us the content creators, and we have no ones to pass the buck onto. So our only choice is to die, or to fight. I choose to fight. I have a platform and I intend to use it to raise up an army to scream loud enough about the absolute injustice of what is going on, that maybe someone will listen.
I am bypassing the FTC, as I believe those people need to be on some kind of medication. I am going straight to congress. We have the 2020 election coming up and I am going to make the case that if they do not step in and tell the FTC to back off, they may not win reelection. YouTubers have the most powerful voice in the world, if we unite together and use our power, we could really have a tremendous impact. I have family members that are deep into politics (I stay out of such thing if at all possible), and they might be able to get me a personal sit down with a very well know congressman. If that happens, I plan to not only push for congress to take action on what the FTC is doing, but also work on getting this congressman to work on a bill that will protect us in the future. I don't really want to go down this road of getting into politics, because it has cost me dearly in the past, but I cannot sit by and see this level of injustice being perpetrated by our government.