Massive drop in views on kid channels

Its interesting to note that it has been 90 days since the july crash. Ive heard theres some significance to the 90 day report. Maybe theres some correlation. From looking at my suggested, im still disconnected from some channels that used to send me major views. So that hasnt changed. But overall view count is slowly increasing.
Overall , according to analytics. my suggested dropped to below 36% in August but have now rebounded to almost 60% .. but not to where traditionally it has been , around 75% to 80%...lets see how next week goes. I like this trend.. It's been a while
I know tons of adults that loved the Mr. Roger's show, but I have never met a kid that liked it. Even as a kid back when it was on the air, I could not stand the Mr. Rogers show. Nothing against him or the show, I just could not stand it as a kid. It was just his style and mannerisms that were off-putting. Even as a kid I just thought that no real person would ever act like that. But, I loved the Shari Lewis Show though and my own kids grew up on her show, "Lamb Chop's Play-Along!"
I never watched him at all as we live in Canada and back then there was no cable tv... I used him as a model of what we need to speak for kids content creators to FTC. Anyway, it doesn't matter anyway, they are not changing their minds. The damage is done.

Please enlighten me about this, as I have no idea what people are talking about with this FTC thing and children's channels on YT.

Okay. I am not sure why you posted this, but it does not explain to me what is going on. All this video is an overly opinionated foulmouthed guy who seems to get his kicks at overreacting to everything. Does this guy make kids video? Is there a curse word he did not use in this video? Please tell me that this individual does not make kids videos.
Read this article. A parent she’s google, Hasbro etc to make some money off the hype. What a shame.

I read the article. It's about a lawsuit, not about some new FTC regulation. So, I am still at a loss for what people are talking about that is changing children's channels on YT. The lawsuit itself is stupid as well. The lawsuit is about the collection of "Personal" information on children. It is stupid because, the only way Google can collect personal data on children, is if someone manually inputs this personal information. Google does not know the age of the person inputting the information, so how is it going to know that a child is inputting it? DUH! Telling google that they need to differentiate between data that is input by a child from that input by an adult is absurd. The only way google could achieve this is if they required a biometric facial scan to validate the age of the person inputting the data, and this would be a far greater breach of personal information, the potential abuse of which could be catastrophic.

This lawsuit is about one thing and one thing only. It is about parents not wanting to be responsible for managing, disciplining and teaching their children how to be safe online. Parents should not allow their kids to have unrestricted access to the internet. Any parent that does, should have their kids taken away for child abuse. I raised three kids in the last 20 years and still have a teenager at home. I taught my kids about the dangers of the internet and NEVER allowed them unsupervised access to it. They did not get smartphones until they were 16 and I had parental controls installed that restricted what they could do with their phones, and their phones had no data plans. They could not have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media account. They could only use internet access for educational purposes and I monitored every single communication. Any attempt to subvert my restrictions was met with indefinite bans from all forms of technology. If an account needed an account to be created, I created it using an alter ego that I invented for such purposes. At no point in time was their personal information EVER put out on the internet.

This mother that is suing, is a bad mother. She wants other people to be responsible for her kids. She does not want to accept the responsibility of protecting her kids, she wants everyone else to be responsible for protecting them. I have known so many lazy irresponsible parents like her. They just throw their kids out on the internet superhighway with no restrictions or training. They might as well give their kids the keys to their car and tell them to go drive on the interstate and expect nothing bad to happen to them.

But I still do not understand what everyone is squawking about. People keep referring to some new FTC ruling, but I can't find anything new that has happened.