Can anyone confirm this guy's statement
he said kids videos will not be recommended? You have to go to channel page or direct search only. is it true?
Part of the reason why YouTube is so popular is because it has essentially become a native app on many devices due to manufacturer pre-installation. To use your screaming child in Wal-Mart justification from earlier, parents who encounter this "issue" for the first time with their first child aren't going to go searching for an app in the marketplace to quell the shrieks. They are going to do that fastest most natural thing to them - type in kids songs or kids videos on their natively installed YouTube app on their phone. And that's where the algorithm begins. Then they say "hey there's even more kids stuff on there - I'll just use that". That's why YouTube Kids isn't going to succeed unless major adjustments are made. It is floating around on its own desert island. The point that was made earlier about children's progression into teen years and wanting to flee that platform at a certain point of maturity was very valid too, and from YouTube's perspective, they probably want to keep kids in the app that can eventually behaviorally advertise to them. This is all about user experience and natural flow. Any justification for a pay gate, login gate, or age gate on YouTube isn't going to fly, as a percentage of people will bounce. YouTube doesn't want to turn end-users away from the platform for any reason - just creatorsSorry, but this makes no sense.
I wonder where he got this info. Iguess jsut came up with itThis is not accurate.
Part of the reason why YouTube is so popular is because it has essentially become a native app on many devices due to manufacturer pre-installation. To use your screaming child in Wal-Mart justification from earlier, parents who encounter this "issue" for the first time with their first child aren't going to go searching for an app in the marketplace to quell the shrieks. They are going to do that fastest most natural thing to them - type in kids songs or kids videos on their natively installed YouTube app on their phone. And that's where the algorithm begins. Then they say "hey there's even more kids stuff on there - I'll just use that". That's why YouTube Kids isn't going to succeed unless major adjustments are made. It is floating around on its own desert island. The point that was made earlier about children's progression into teen years and wanting to flee that platform at a certain point of maturity was very valid too, and from YouTube's perspective, they probably want to keep kids in the app that can eventually behaviorally advertise to them. This is all about user experience and natural flow. Any justification for a pay gate, login gate, or age gate on YouTube isn't going to fly, as a percentage of people will bounce. YouTube doesn't want to turn end-users away from the platform for any reason - just creatorsIf YouTube does this, another platform will capitalize on that decision. They know this.
YouTube has a monopoly on digital advertising. The reason we all get paid is because YouTube is Google, who has firmly established themselves as the worlds most popular path to monetized search - website, video or otherwise.does anyone know any alternative platforms like YT? There arent any except amazon video direct. Facebook is not really kid friendly noone watches videos there for kids
I'm not quite sure what you disagree with or how extensive your background in digital marketing is Jungle, but you are really out in the jungle with some of your analysis. I'm stating facts, emphasizing common sense, and outlining good business decisions. You can go look at the numbers for app usage comparatively to see my point. You can look at the amount of revenue from YT Kids contextual ads to see my point. It isn't being used very hard at all. I'm not lamenting about anything. YouTube isn't going to come to grips with what you describe. The way things were are still the way things are - they've just crippled the niche. Any type of gate that prevents open anonymous access to the site from desktop is a bad financial decision outside of our niche. They won't do it. Quote me on this in a year and poke fun at me if I'm wrong. YouTube can hold itself up just fine with celebs like Logan Paul, MrBeast, and David Dobrik. Always remember that YouTube is but a branch of Google. Search Engine Advertising is their bread and butter. Where hundreds of thousands of companies drop billions of dollars into pay-per-click ads. We aren't going to ruin them. All of the traffic can go to Ryan and Cocomelon and Hasbro will be just as pleased. A tough pill to swallow.I completely disagree. What you are describing is what is going to happen NOW with the direction they are going. What I am talking about is saving the platfrom.
You just have to come to grips with the fact that YouTube as you know it is over. The way things WERE, is gone. Let it go. The way things are going NOW, are a bad direction which is making YT a very unsafe and unwelcoming place for creators, which will find another platform soon if YT does not find a way to make it safe for them.
You can talk all day long about the way things were, but the fact is, they CANNOT be that way anymore. They way things were do mo work anymore, and things can't get any worse for creators than they are right now. Lose your creators and YT is dead. And they ARE losing creators.
I'm not quite sure what you disagree with or how extensive your background in digital marketing is Jungle, but you are really out in the jungle with some of your analysis. I'm stating facts, emphasizing common sense, and outlining good business decisions. You can go look at the numbers for app usage comparatively to see my point. You can look at the amount of revenue from YT Kids contextual ads to see my point. It isn't being used very hard at all. I'm not lamenting about anything. YouTube isn't going to come to grips with what you describe. The way things were are still the way things are - they've just crippled the niche. Any type of gate that prevents open anonymous access to the site from desktop is a bad financial decision outside of our niche. They won't do it. Quote me on this in a year and poke fun at me if I'm wrong. YouTube can hold itself up just fine with celebs like Logan Paul, MrBeast, and David Dobrik. Always remember that YouTube is but a branch of Google. Search Engine Advertising is their bread and butter. Where hundreds of thousands of companies drop billions of dollars into pay-per-click ads. We aren't going to ruin them. All of the traffic can go to Ryan and Cocomelon and Hasbro will be just as pleased. A tough pill to swallow.
If they are then the solution wouldn't be more fines, but shutting down YouTube altogether.I will tell you this. You make a very compelling argument for why YT should not separate children's content so YT that can KNOWINGLY continue to make money off of them through targeted ads on teen-oriented content. You have provided an excellent case for how some child content creators know this and support YT's decision to still try to play the game and target children because it is such a profitable market. You have given all the evidence needed to show that YT is not taking COPPA seriously and is still looking for ways to deliver targeted ads to children in the crossover market.
To tell you the truth, if I were an FTC undercover agent looking for evidence I could use in the upcoming lawsuits in January against child content creators, you have given me everything I need to prove that at least some are not taking this seriously and want to find any way possible to continue to make money off of targeted ads delivered to kids on YT.
I sure hope the FTC is not monitoring this thread and recording your statements here.