Looks like I've been hit by a bot again..

I believe you can get strikes against your account if you monitize your content, luckily I dont have it enabled. If I was apart of a network I would probably be removed or kicked if I didnt notice it in time..
i think networks have a kind of protection for stuff like that
I have just removed video, just took it down then re-uploaded, all my beautiful feedback is gone! if you could leave some feedback on the re-upload it would make me a happy panda! :)
Well that sucks man, VSX says you lost like 36000 views :eek:, don't see the need for people to bot videos up like that. Even if some think its helping in some way, often it just makes it worse for the content creators :)
I really don't see why they would hold you accountable for botting. I mean, I understand why but... still. It's not like you did it. Why Youtube cannot differentiate the difference between bot views and real views, is still a question to me. I hope things become sorted out for you. It really sucks that you have to deal with this upon multiple occasions now, and both within such a short amount of time :(
Well that sucks man, VSX says you lost like 36000 views :eek:, don't see the need for people to bot videos up like that. Even if some think its helping in some way, often it just makes it worse for the content creators :)

It is abit of a bummer indeed! It must be from some of the shady forums I joined, I'm told it is quite a rare thing and 2 videos being hit is quite harsh!

Yeah VSX failed to update from the last attack, as soon as I removed the last video it instantly updated. I just hope it doesnt mess up my averages.. :(
I really don't see why they would hold you accountable for botting. I mean, I understand why but... still. It's not like you did it. Why Youtube cannot differentiate the difference between bot views and real views, is still a question to me. I hope things become sorted out for you. It really sucks that you have to deal with this upon multiple occasions now, and both within such a short amount of time :(

The problem with the latest attack they came from 3000 unique IP address, it would be so hard for youtube to tie down genuine views and botted views :( I just hope when I start applying for networks that I can provide them with evidence that the odd occurances on my account are through no fault of my own, I will probably message Shane as he will know the in's and out's about it :)

It is not ideal for a new starter to deal with stuff like this, I want to create content not be scared of the next 'bot attack', I just hope this is the end of it, its probably affecting my channel and the audience feedback I am getting.
I was hit by a bot around 2 weeks ago, as you can imagine I removed the video and re-uploaded it straight away, I lost all my genuine views and feedback as a result.

Now I logged on this morning and found one of my favourite and most popular videos has had a similar thing happen, which is extremely dishearting. I was wondering, is there a way to report stuff like this or find the source?

I looked at my stats and it says that the video was embedded on facebook, I have also looked into the video views and this is what I found:

Views Minutes Duration
12,378 2,727 0:13
6,660 1,457 0:13
1,526 341 0:13

I have made the stats public in case someone on the forums can help me or if there is anything else I can do :(

PS: sorry the video link is:

I think the same kinda thing has happened to me ...........it has caused me to shift my opinion of how i am going to use youtube for my music ......

shame but a harsh reality that youtube really does have its act together and is now punishing small channels and videos in the same way it does big ones....