Request Looking for someone to create thumbnails for me (paid)

Over the years I have managed to learn myself quite a bit of photoshop skills.
I am more than interested in helping you out :)
I would be interested in doing this! Iv'e been making my own thumbnails for 4 years and I'm really good at it. I will help you out as much as I can.
If you are still interested in looking for someone to overall and set the design direction for your thumbnails, I would be more than interested in assisting. Will also throw in creating some templates for you within Photoshop. So that, if you had the program, you could cycle through and create a 'series' for the thumbnails themselves.
If your still interested, id be more than willing I helping you with your thumbnails!
edit: the last 3 video thumbnails on my channel where made in Photoshop.
When I need some better design ideas, I use
I am NOT affiliated with them. Average price is $15 and I get the images and the PSD file, to
make minor changes myself. I think their work.