Miksa Szollosi
Active Member
Hello there. I am looking to collaborate with people on PC. I am not about the whole 'only collab to get subs' concept so you're welcome to collab with any subs! (I am in the Central Time ) I have a few requirements though!
--> Requirements <--
Good microphone (doesn't need to be a blue yeti, just something semi decent)
Run games at 60fps (minimum)
Decent Internet (just so you won't lag ingame)
Have one of the following games: Black Ops 2, CS:GO and GTA 5.
Skype, Discord, Teamspeak (any, it doesn't matter)
I've got more games as well, a lot more so I am sure we can work something out.
As I said, I don't care how many subs you have, I am here to have fun and find awesome people to collab with that I can have a blast playing with and potentially grow a friendship like bond with.
I'd be down to collab almost everyday if the company's good!
You can contact me here or by email; realmiksaszollosi@gmail.com
Ultimately, if you're here to waste my time, then don't, many people told me that we're going to collab, nothing happened so only inquire if you're serious.
Looking forward to having a blast!
--> Requirements <--
Good microphone (doesn't need to be a blue yeti, just something semi decent)
Run games at 60fps (minimum)
Decent Internet (just so you won't lag ingame)
Have one of the following games: Black Ops 2, CS:GO and GTA 5.
Skype, Discord, Teamspeak (any, it doesn't matter)
I've got more games as well, a lot more so I am sure we can work something out.
As I said, I don't care how many subs you have, I am here to have fun and find awesome people to collab with that I can have a blast playing with and potentially grow a friendship like bond with.
I'd be down to collab almost everyday if the company's good!
You can contact me here or by email; realmiksaszollosi@gmail.com
Ultimately, if you're here to waste my time, then don't, many people told me that we're going to collab, nothing happened so only inquire if you're serious.
Looking forward to having a blast!