Gaming Looking For Minecraft Youtubers

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Mr. Mythical

Well-Known Member
I have a mission for all you Minecraft youtubers! If you would like to collaborate with other fellow Minecraft youtubers, then put in the following below:
YouTube channel:
Hi my name is Justin. I am 13 and live in the U.S. my channel is FuriousJ my ign is DaFinest1 chaning to FuriousJ and my skype is XxFuriousJxX
I have a mission for all you Minecraft youtubers! If you would like to collaborate with other fellow Minecraft youtubers, then put in the following below:
Age: 15
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
YouTube channel: UCEZt230f1inAfEFN0cvAkVg
Ign: JustJaylen123
Skype(Optional): jaylenrhodes2000

Sorry I put it in the quote box
Age: 14
Timezone: EST
YouTube channel: Fluffy Biscuit (Search: Fluffy Biscuit plays Minecraft Build Battle EP:1 "Witch")
Ign: TheFluffyBiscuit
Well guys to technical difficulties I can't make an SMP survival server but if anyone can. They will be rewarded and greatly appreciated
Age: there are 2 of us, I'm 9 yrs old and my dad (in his 30's) don't let the age fool ya
Timezone: PST
YouTube channel: EthanAndLiamHD
Skype(Optional): will give it out if we get on board.