Gaming Looking For Minecraft SMP Members! URGENT REQUEST!

Hey! I'd love to join in, it sounds similar to Big B's and Grian's series
Name - Minepro
Discord - H_H #3110
YouTube - Minepro140
Why - I'd like to grow my channel and gain exposure. More importantly, I like the idea of playing on a server full of friends and helping other people
Age - 16

PS - I record mostly MC PS4 but I have and can play MC PC
you are in! i added you on discord![DOUBLEPOST=1514302526,1514302461][/DOUBLEPOST]
Name: Brandon
Discord: TavrosEvolve #0869
YT Name: Tavros Evolve
Reason for interest: I make a lot of MC content (most of which has been private) but I havnt made a video on the beta/alpha versions of the game. seems like fun. Also I love to collab with others and this seems like a great opportunity to do so.
Age: 16
you are in! i added you on discord! make sure to add me back and ask to join the server in dm's![DOUBLEPOST=1514302558][/DOUBLEPOST]
- Name: James
- Discord: Syndiball#7925
- YouTube Name: Syndiball (recently set all vids to private for a fresh start)
- Why you would like to join: This is something I always wanted to do. I
- Age 17
you are in! i added you on discord! make sure to add me back and ask to join the server in dm's!
Name: Stertrix
Discord: Stertrix#4795
YouTube Name: Stertrix (One with same logo as one on here had an older channel)
Why Would You Like to Join: Looking for some people to play with who have the same interest as me
Age: 16
1) Alpha_Wolf_Tax

2) Taxami333

3) Taxami Luvs Games

4) im a small youtuber, very small, but im hoping that if i get accepted my channel will
grow - if this to you sounds like im using u, which is not my intentions, i completely understand. besides that, i enjoy playing minecraft and have been looking to join an SMP for a while, im glad i found a thread that was still reply able too and not old lol ( it wasent made like 4 months ago )
5) 13
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Silent Spectrum
I would love to stream minecraft from the older versions! It will bring back so many memories and give my audience a look at how minecraft was
- Jacob
- dropthebomb#7480
- dropthebomb
- i love smps and i want to grow my youtube channel and most of my content is mc
- 15
my name is brendon !
my discord tag is : ukhoshekh#3881
my youtube name is : ukhoshekh
i'd like to join the series because minecraft is one of my favorite games, and i'd really like to branch out and meet some new friends! :0
i am 16.
Hey fellow Minecraft PC players! My name is Josh (otherwise known as Joshwarrior). I make gaming YouTube videos that are incredibly funny and high quality.

I am looking for around 20 people to join me in a Minecraft SMP (Survival Multiplayer) series which will be uploaded / livestreamed to YouTube (your preference :D). There is a twist however in which the series will be taking place in Minecraft Beta 1.2_02 all the way up to Beta 1.7.3.

If you are accepted make sure to check discord as I will add you into the chat room. From there I will teach you how to install Beta 1.7.3. The launcher you will have to use is called MultiMC. I will send you a file which will be installed into the Beta 1.7.3 profile. It is easy so do not worry! :D I can help you!

Application Template:

- Name
- Discord
- YouTube Name
- Why you would like to join
- Age

Hey Josh,
Name: Ross
Age: 14
Discord: xxrealstaticxx#0503
Why I would like to join: Ive been watching your videos and I think Collab's with you would help me and my motivation alot.
My channel: The link should show up but if not, the name is: Badgerdome

Hope to hear from you soon