Gaming Looking for collab partner/s (Rocket League and/or Rust mainly)


New Member
Heey guys, I am looking to get some collaborations going and start doing Youtube again. I intend to be playing mainly Rocket League and Rust for a start.
(examples of channels I enjoy would be the F2 Rocket League clan and Zuckles/Soup kind of stuff for rust)

I was thinking we'd start off by doing a rocket League series where we basically try to rank up and get as good as possible. My current competitive rank varies but my skill level is roughly around challenger elite atm.
A will to improve in rocket league is of greater importance than rank imo.

18+ and european is to be preferred (european solely because of ping reasons)

Short info about me and my channel : I am 19 years old from Sweden currently living in the UK.
I used to post a whole lot of benchmarking videos a couple of years back and got together a community of subscribers from helping them out with computer performance problems and related questions. Got around 100k views in total and 65 subs atm (subs used to be a whole lot more)

So yeah get back to me if any one of you guys would be interested in this. Either here or via steam.

My steam ID is Neroscar (the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger in a female wig as a profile pic)
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Hey Man, I'm probably a little newer to Youtube than you were necessarily looking for, but I'm right around the same skill level and I think that we could help each other out building our channels. I'm 21 and from the East Coast of the US, but that wont hold us back!