I used to do youtube off and on, but I want to try to make videos and stream more consistently and have people to do it with, preferably within the 16-25 age range.
games that I play often:
Minecraft (mostly modded) (PC)
League of Legends (PC)
Various Vr games (PC)
Call of Duty Zombies (Some PC, all except WaW on Xbox)
Any free game on Xbox or PC if needed
decent microphone
decent internet
I am US West, so you have to have decent connection to that area
If interested, message me on discord at: Letsthrowpoo#9767
games that I play often:
Minecraft (mostly modded) (PC)
League of Legends (PC)
Various Vr games (PC)
Call of Duty Zombies (Some PC, all except WaW on Xbox)
Any free game on Xbox or PC if needed
decent microphone
decent internet
I am US West, so you have to have decent connection to that area
If interested, message me on discord at: Letsthrowpoo#9767