Learn from my Horrible Mistake with Jukin Media

It won't let me add the youtube video here but go to nothing to do crew and look at "real life mario kart roman candle battle"

I recieved very little considering the numbers (less then $300): 30k views on my youtube, 200k on their youtube, 30 million views on their facebook, 30 million views on a facebook page they licensed to.

yea, they are doing me in the butt hard right now and not even responding to my calls

I can understand why you would be upset, it was a good video with alot of thought put into it. I don't believe facebook views count towards monetization unless something has changed and I'm missing out. I had a video on my FB page last week that got over 750k views in a number of days and I see no $ from that because its not monetizable. So getting $200-$300 for your YouTube views would be standard.
If you want to compare Facebook views to YouTube views you would at least have to divide it by ten if not more. 300 bucks at least for the 200k YouTube views doesn't sound too unfair though.
On a side note, in the contract it states jukin will negotiate all licensing deals with me (which they didn't) and the contract states that they will only be licensing to tv

If it's important to you, you could always go see a lawyer. If you have signed a contract then it is legally binding and they can be held accountable if they have broken the terms.
I had it watermarked, but they edited it out. My biggest problem was that they let LAD Bible post the full video on their page. Once a video is up on facebook, no one ever goes to youtube to watch it

Unless your license with them states they can edit out the watermark I'd go after them legally. That watermark there has the possibility of bringing in an audience which in turn brings in money to you and if they removed it without legal permission they could be held liable to compensate you extra I think... Not a 100% expert on the licensing of video content as personally I refuse to let anyone touch my work beside a few friends and of course clients.
Now they aren't responding to emails or calls...i've got a lawyer that has done some similar work with youtube (against mcn's) so we'll see how it goes.

I hate Jukin Media with a passion. One of the most unprofessionally run companies I've ever dealt with. I remember I would always have to chase them up every month about my payment, some months they just wouldn't pay at all. They owe me hundreds of dollars from when my clip was represented by them, tempted to take legal action.