Leafyishere H3H3 production feud?

Leafy made his apology video for the attack on Tommy but what does he have to apologize to h3h3 like h3h3 through him under the bus and Leafy has done everything he can. I don`t know the full story can someone explain I`m just going off of scarce.
Leafy made his apology video for the attack on Tommy but what does he have to apologize to h3h3 like h3h3 through him under the bus and Leafy has done everything he can. I don`t know the full story can someone explain I`m just going off of scarce.
Nah fam, his response video to h3h3 wasn't an apology, he returned the attack and bashed Ethan. He also released some old DMs between them that really don't paint Ethan in a good light. They both said some awful stuff about Pyrocynical.

I wonder if the h3h3 dude ever talked with leafy about this before making the video? I mean, why make a video about it if they're friends? He could've just advised leafy without the video.. you know because they said they were friends...

He did say its not just leafy but still... >.> drama much?
It's getting hotter...
yeah just watched pyro and leafy's videos on it (after the apology)
I dont know why people write things like that in DM's because its so easily thrown back in their faces.
If it was me instead of H3 I would have told my "friend" leafy about the reddit post, and how the guy was autistic, and leafy would have probably still made the apology video and took it down.
but I have a feeling that friendship wasn't worth as much as the view money the drama would give.
its a pretty back stabbing world in youtube. the same thing happens with other big tubers all the time.
Has no one thought that this may all just be a bit of a stunt to gain even more notoriety for all involved?! I'm not saying leafy didn't actually bully the kid but everything that's come after it all sounds a bit set up........
If you haven't been paying attention to the newest bit of YouTube drama, let me get you caught up. Leafyishere made a recent video in which he talked about a guy wearing a fedora who helped a woman not drop her eggs and then decided to make a vlog right there telling her to make something nice for someone else. Leafy did his usual routine and just ripped on the guy as he always does, but here's the thing. This guy had autism and Leafy made fun of him, as well as having several of his more immature fans going to the other guy's channel and leaving major hate and death threats.

H3H3 made a video calling out Leafy for this and calling him "one of the most cancerous channels on Youtube". Leafy deleted the video and apologized, but yesterday Leafy put out a video called "The H3H3 rant" where he showed private messages sent to him and to Pyrocynical from H3H3 where he is all friendly in one moment but all of the sudden H3H3 starts absolutely ripping on them, doing a full 180 and hating on this guys for no real reason. As of now H3H3 hasn't responded yet but what may be on our hands could easily become the biggest YouTube drama war in a while and honestly I can't believe how this is playing out. I wrote for long enough so please tell me what you think about this whole thing and if you are on anybody's side or if you rather be neutral.
Great youtube drama, although a little inappropriate, I uploaded a video on this last night before Leafy's rant on H3H3, I was hoping to only make one video on this situation to get me started, but It's going to need a follow up video tonight.

As I will say in my video tonight, I am leaning more towards leafy, and I know that may seem a little off, to a lot of people. BUT when leafy made the apology video, that should have been the end of it. Leafy knows what his channel is, and doesn't hide the fact that it's satire content, H3H3 took it on himself to make this continue. Which in my eyes is waaay out of order.

Thanks for keeping people updated on the Youtube gossip xD

Has no one thought that this may all just be a bit of a stunt to gain even more notoriety for all involved?! I'm not saying leafy didn't actually bully the kid but everything that's come after it all sounds a bit set up........
I would agree if it wasn't for the fact Leafy didn't need any of this. He gained 450,000 subs last month. He was on too much of a role to risk it with a feud like this. H3H3 was jealous that the person he was helping became bigger than him.