Leafyishere H3H3 production feud?

I don't really care about social s**t but this time I realized how garbage most of YouTube is.

Welcome to the club!

Many of the popular channels (in terms of traffic) operate on the principle - Pecunia non olet - "money doesn't stink"! If making fun of autistic kid will bring the big bugs - let's do it. And if they stop here - these are the considerate one!
Youtube isn't falling just because of the copyright system, but also because of Adblock.
I wish more people knew that the Adblock extension for Chrome and Opera allows you to selectively allow ads on specific Youtube channels. That way, those who feel compelled to use Adblock can whitelist channels they want to support. It's not as ideal as them just not using adblock at all, but it's a better solution than blocking everyone indiscriminately.
but in my honest opinion nobody would have said ANYTHING if it wasn't for H3H3 productions.

now that he did they are all hoping on the bandwagon like mindless drones.

You have started the thread on a false claim. Not saying you did it on purpose, but it's false nonetheless and shows just how much weight some of these online personalities have. H3H3 only did their video because the video done by the guy getting harassed explaining the harassment and death threats he was getting ended up on the front page of Reddit. This is the same reason others like Boogie would have been preparing to do their videos. H3H3 is just the biggest that got his out first.
This is the same reason others like Boogie would have been preparing to do their videos. H3H3 is just the biggest that got his out first.
That's what they are saying, but we don't know it for a fact (unless any of them announced prior to the H3H3 video that they were going to be releasing a video about the subject at a later point). If that is the case, and those guys did announce their intentions to make similar videos prior to H3H3's video coming out, then you are right, the thread was started on a false premise. However, if that isn't the case, and none of them announced they would be making a video, then this is just the OP stating his opinion and you stating yours, no?
That's what they are saying, but we don't know it for a fact (unless any of them announced prior to the H3H3 video that they were going to be releasing a video about the subject at a later point). If that is the case, and those guys did announce their intentions to make similar videos prior to H3H3's video coming out, then you are right, the thread was started on a false premise. However, if that isn't the case, and none of them announced they would be making a video, then this is just the OP stating his opinion and you stating yours, no?

The Boogie tweet said he was scripting his own video when he saw the H3H3 video pop up in his feed. So no, it's not an opinion.

The point being that starting a thread ragging on people for hopping on the band wagon and propping up H3H3 as the noble trail blazer is amusing, given that H3H3 hopped on the story after it hit the front page of Reddit. Frankly, it doesn't matter why someone made their video on the topic. The fact that after a significant period of time, people with a big enough audience are raising the issue and now it has the potential to be taken seriously. Very similar to GradeAUnderA. People have been complaining about YouTube policies for years, but it was a rant by a channel that went from 100K to 1M+ subscribers in a couple of months that got YouTube's attention enough to actually issue some kind of public statement.
The Boogie tweet said he was scripting his own video when he saw the H3H3 video pop up in his feed. So no, it's not an opinion.

Because people never lie? Come on now. Like I said, if he tweeted that he would be releasing a video about it before H3H3s video came out you'd have a valid point. Just because boogie said he was scripting a video doesn't mean he was scripting a video. So this is your opinion vs the OP, who might think that boogie was full of it when he said that. Boogie's word alone is not fact enough to say that OP made the thread under a false premise. He's entitled to his opinion, and he was very clear in stating that it was his opinion.

H3H3 saw the post on reddit, so what. He had to find out about it somehow, no? It doesnt make OP's opinion any less valid.
I personally like Leafy and regularly watch his stuff. He is the kind of "not give a sh*t" middle finger in the air while smoking a fat a** J kind of guy which I like.

I haven't kept up to date with him lately so all this is pretty new to me but as a Leafy fan I'm pretty sure Leafy can handle it. Sure it might bring him backlash but thats to expect when going to Leafy's channel. He makes it very aware he doesn't give a sh*t :P